Saturday, March 17, 2007

Do You Have A Permit?

Each and everyone of us has at their disposal the worlds highest tech super computer. It doesn't come with instructions or a help line. You don't have to save up for it or make 24 easy payments, it's just yours. It's so fast that you already know what I'm talking about, it's Your Brain. I know what your saying to yourself, I knew that!

It's multi tasking, multi dimensional and multi hard to figure out when something goes wrong with it.Having a stroke or brain injury can be devastating. Some systems no longer work or if they do, not properly. Doctors announce that you've had a stroke and then determine if your worth giving rehab to.

Strangers are going to determine my fate. Ya Right!

I've always felt that the brain is just like a home computer. You put data into it to get data out of it. It's storage system is what I'm most interested in. The data you feed into it isn't held in one place. No it's spread throughout the hard drive to be used for more than just one purpose. It links seemingly unrelated info together so they can run picture files and text files together. Wow. Even better it duplicates this info and stores it in another place. Just try erasing a file from your computer. It tells you it's been erased but it's not. Just ask the police.

Time to rewire my Super Computer ( Brain ). The information I'm looking for is there. I can hear words in my head but can't speak them verbally. The thoughts of those words are intact, the ability to say them is not. So my quest is to find the duplicates stored on either side of my brain.

Interestingly enough, a few years after I found the missing files I read a medical journal that told of a discovery of how babies are born ambidextrous. Their neither left or right handed. There is no dominate side to their brain. Both sides are duplicates of the other. It's through time and experience they learn to be one sided.

The dominate side takes control and other side starts to shrink for lack of use. There's not much going on in those sections so the lights are turned out. Their not gone just in mothballs perhaps for later emergency use. I suspected this and I'm glad doctors now confirm my theory. Whatever!

Off came the salesperson hat and on when the electrical engineer/technician hard hat. We have some rewiring to do. Waiting around takes time which I knew I didn't have. Just like when they called for an ambulance everyone knew time was of the essence. The same with getting better the more I put into it and the sooner I worked on Me the sooner I would be back doing the things I love to do. The thought of not getting it all back never crossed my mind.

I'll use the hospital, the doctors and the therapists to my best advantage. I'm not going to wait for a permit! In the words of an old schlocky movie, “ Permits, we don't need no stinking Permits!”

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