Sunday, December 28, 2008

I want to Die

MP3 File

 I don't get a lot of e mails with such sentiments to start my day off with but it does happen. This statement comes from a stroke survivor who's in a nursing home and is paralyzed down one side. No further details were shared so everything is speculation. Assuming anything is too dangerous so my reply would have to be based on what I know to be true, at least for myself.

Too many people take a statement like that and go on endlessly telling everyone what he or she should do in this and that case. It would be great if they were a therapist or doctor but likely their not, they have an opinion and their willing to share it. That's fine.

Years ago I learned something interesting about complaints. Their not there because the person want's to complain. Complaints are a request for more information all be it sometimes in a loud fiery voice. So I ask myself what does he really what?

Look at the statement; “I want to die.” Does he really or is that all he can think about doing in the situation he finds himself? If he could find away to get better even if it's little by little wouldn't he change “I want to die” to “I want to live”? I think so.

The request for more information was loud and clear to me. Help me get out of this situation, make my life better, worth living.

I've written him back and asked him to read over what I've written or listen to all my audios on my blog. I hope he does. They might inspire him to change his mind. I know he's requesting a copy of my book which is soon to be out. So while we all wait for revisions to be put in place we can all ask ourselves one thing, are my complaints requests for more information? If they're not complaints for complaints sake what outcome would we like to see when we get our request for more information granted? This is the thought I will leave you to think about.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Secret of Recover

I just wrote and article on stroke recovery and placed it on my website.  It comes with a down loadable audio for those who prefer to listen.  Here's the link

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Things are getting exciting around home these days. My "proof" copy on my book "I had a Stroke" is being sent to me for my approval. Once I say "Yes" to the proof my publisher with set in motion the on-demand-printing and will alert bookstores world wide about it's availability.
Now you know why I'm excited.
The primary reason for writing this book is to help stroke survivors and their caregivers. With each chapter dealing with a challenge and solution I believe stroke survivors can use parts of it or all of it to move forward in their recovery. Even just the mindset I used to recover can make a huge difference.
I read a study which confirms my postive mindset so follow the link and see what the experts found.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

I had a Stroke - Book

My book is about how I took myself off the "Not expected to live" list and returned to work six months later is about to be published. To be notified when you can get your copy for yourself or your loved one follow the link and fill in the form on the first page of my website.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Second Good Day

What do reality game shows, the Olympics and having a stroke have in common? Also where is the loneliest place on earth? Listen in and you'll find out!

MP3 File

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Asking Advice

A woman E Mailed me looking for advice for her mother who'd just had a stroke. Paralysis on the left side, speech problems and swallowing problems are her major challenges. In this audio I deal with her request for advice.

Just press play

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

A Good Plan

Starting from my fourth day of my stroke I knew I couldn't just lay around waiting for something, a miracle to happen, I had to be active. That's a good trick when your not in charge of the left side of your body.

For the full audio story, click the button below.

MP3 File

Friday, April 25, 2008

Good News

Good News comes in may forms, often disguised as something else. Most often we think good news comes as a surprise like walking into a room and everyone shouts out Happy Birthday. More often it comes when we reflex back and realize a trying event was good news hidden,the silver lining in a black cloud.

The full story, click the player below.

MP3 File

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Claw Hand

Pre-Therapy for your stroke Claw Hand. No you don't have to wait around for the therapist to work on your hand muscles and avoid the Claw Hand.

The full story, click the player below.

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Day Four

Day four is a great day of change for me. The most important part of Stroke Therapy is attitude. Having a good one. Sounds good but what's the "nut and bolts" to having a good attitude. Let's start off with the first tiny step.

The full story, click the player below.

MP3 File

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Monday, March 24, 2008


Let's have some fun with depression. I'm kidding! Stroke therapy will run into it time and time again. People who have strokes and brain injuries are subject to depression and so are their caregivers. So let's not swept this under the carpet, instead let's deal with it head on.

The full story, click the player below.

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Having my Stroke

Let's start at the beginning, the day I had my stroke.

The full story, click the player below.

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