Friday, April 16, 2010

My Affirmation

Built your ditches in the desert and then stand back and see the Salvation of the Lord.

I dug my ditches with my book and then rested.

Thanking the Lord for the blessing of writing the book as I knew he wanted me to do.

A raindrop fell from a sunny sky and I knew I was truly blessed.

My ditch was attracting a shower and as I watched the rain became heavier starting to pool in my ditches.

Faster the rain fell and the my ditches became flooded.

The water reached out of the ditch to touch the other ditches.

Earlier I was in the middle of a desert surrounded by mountains on all sides and was thirsty but believing that my ditches would be filled to over flowing if I just did the work.

My ditch became a pool that became a lake which grew into a sea that lifted me up and quenched my thirst.

I thank God.

My Book

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