Saturday, December 20, 2008

Secret of Recover

I just wrote and article on stroke recovery and placed it on my website.  It comes with a down loadable audio for those who prefer to listen.  Here's the link

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Things are getting exciting around home these days. My "proof" copy on my book "I had a Stroke" is being sent to me for my approval. Once I say "Yes" to the proof my publisher with set in motion the on-demand-printing and will alert bookstores world wide about it's availability.
Now you know why I'm excited.
The primary reason for writing this book is to help stroke survivors and their caregivers. With each chapter dealing with a challenge and solution I believe stroke survivors can use parts of it or all of it to move forward in their recovery. Even just the mindset I used to recover can make a huge difference.
I read a study which confirms my postive mindset so follow the link and see what the experts found.